InDesign Works 3

menu part 1 menu part 2

For this assignment, we were to make a menu for a Hollywood restaurant. The justification can be found here.

This project gave me the most trouble. It involved using text skills to align the text and change the headlines as styles rather than changing each individually. After all was said and done I say it looks quite nice.

I feel that the layout is very crisp and even and everything is where it needs to be. However, I left too much white space on the cover and back and it seemed rather bland. The problem was that I used mainly vector graphics for the front and back cover and due to that, when I exported it as a pdf file, the images disappeared. Now, however, I know how to fix a problem like that and used this assignment as a learning experience. Though it is not my best work, it is still important to me as it reminds me to always check and make sure things work before finalizing the project.